Quick library search: Go Anywhere Subject Title Author Series Fiction Nonfiction Professional development for Libraries and Management 60 Ready-to-Use Coding Projects Assessment strategies in technical services Becoming a curatorBrubach, Holly, author. Becoming an ethical hackerRivlin, Gary, author. Better with books : 500 diverse books to ignite...Hart, Melissa, 1970- autho... Beyond reality : augmented, virtual, and mixed ... Blockchain Book club reboot : 71 creative twistsOstman, Sarah, author. Building digital libraries : a how-to-do-it man...Banerjee, Kyle, author. Children's literature, briefly Coders : the making of a new tribe and the rema...Thompson, Clive, 1968- aut... Collection development and management for 21st ...Gregory, Vicki L., 1950- a... Comics and critical librarianship : reframing t... Community archives, community spaces : heritage... Conducting the reference interview : a how-to-d...Ross, Catherine Sheldrick,... Confronting the democratic discourse of librari...Popowich, Sam, author. Cracking the AP computer science A examPrinceton Review (Firm), a... Educating librarians in the contemporary univer...Hansson, Joacim, 1966- aut... Escape rooms and other immersive experiences in...Kroski, Ellyssa, author. Ethical questions in name authority control Excel® 2019 all-in-oneHarvey, Greg, author. A fool's errand : creating the National Museum ...Bunch, Lonnie G., author. The forgotten foundations of fundraising : prac...Beer, Jeremy, 1972- author... From red earth : a Rwandan story of healing and...Uwimana, Denise, author. Incubating creativity at your library : a sourc...Batykefer, Erinn, author. Invisible women : data bias in a world designed...Criado-Perez, Caroline, au... Libraries & gardens : growing togetherBanks, Carrie Scott, autho... Library management 101 : a practical guide Little free libraries and tiny sheds : 12 minia...Schmidt, Philip, author. Making surveys work for your library : guidance...Miller, Robin, 1980- autho... Management basics for information professionalsEvans, G. Edward, 1937- au... Masked by trust : bias in library discoveryReidsma, Matthew, author. The memo : what women of color need to know to ...Harts, Minda, author. Move, play, learn : interactive storytimes with...Jewell, Alyssa, author. Neal-Schuman library technology companion : a b...Burke, John (John J.), aut... New top technologies every librarian needs to k... The no-nonsense guide to leadership, management...Allan, Barbara, 1954- auth... Organizing archival recordsCarmicheal, David W., auth... The public library director's toolkitHall, Kate, 1979- author. Rebooting AI : building artificial intelligence...Marcus, Gary, author. Reckoning : the epic battle against sexual abus...Hirshman, Linda R., author... Reference skills for the school librarian : too...Riedling, Ann Marlow, 1952... Seamless youth services for every age and stageLoop, Karis, 1966- author. Serving teens with mental illness in the librar...Takahashi, Deborah K., aut... Social justice and activism in libraries : essa... Strategic planning for academic libraries : a s...Thompson, Gregory C. (Greg... Tech-savvy reading promotion : a toolbox for li...Keane, Nancy J., author. Wolfpack : how to come together, unleash our po...Wambach, Abby, 1980- autho... Working as a data librarian : a practical guideJohnson, Eric O., author. Your technology outreach adventure : tools for ...Berman, Erin, author. What's on our New Books Display shelf Ace : what asexuality reveals about desire, soc...Chen, Angela, 1991- author... Bookbinding : a comprehensive guide to folding,...Morlok, Franziska, author. Chasing flavor : techniques and recipes to cook...Kluger, Dan, author. Community partnerships with school libraries : ...Crossman, Bridget, author. The echo wifeGailey, Sarah, author. The geek's guide to SF cinemaLambie, Ryan, author. His very best : Jimmy Carter, a lifeAlter, Jonathan, author. Humanism and libraries : an essay on the philos...Cossette, André, author. If they come in the morning : voices of resista...Davis, Angela Y. (Angela Y... Klara and the sunIshiguro, Kazuo, 1954- aut... The movie musical!Basinger, Jeanine, author. On flowers : lessons from an accidental floristMerrick, Amy, author. Pairing STEAM with stories : 46 hands-on activi...McChesney, Elizabeth M., a... The people's team : an illustrated history of t...Beech, Mark (Sports journa... The power of style : how fashion and beauty are...Allaire, Christian, 1992- ... RaybearerIfueko, Jordan, author. Represent : the woman's guide to running for of...Raphael, June Diane, autho... The selected works of Audre LordeLorde, Audre, author. The Sixth Man : a memoirIguodala, Andre, 1984- aut... Star wars : The Empire strikes back : from a ce... This immeasurable place : food and farming from...Spalding, Blake, author This is the plate : Utah food traditions We hunt the flameFaizal, Hafsah, author. Wildlife as property owners : a new conception ...Bradshaw, Karen, author. Zoë bakes cakes : everything you need to know ...François, Zoë, author. Anti-Racism Readings 1491 : new revelations of the Americas before C...Mann, Charles C. Algorithms of oppression : how search engines r...Noble, Safiya Umoja, autho... Another countryBaldwin, James, 1924-1987,... Are prisons obsolete?Davis, Angela Y. (Angela Y... Between the world and meCoates, Ta-Nehisi, author. Bury my heart at Wounded Knee; an Indian histor...Brown, Dee Alexander. The color of compromise : the truth about the A...Tisby, Jemar, author. The color of law : a forgotten history of how o...Rothstein, Richard, author... The dead are arising : the life of Malcolm XPayne, Les, 1941- author. The fire next timeBaldwin, James, 1924-1987,... He calls me by lightning : the life of Caliph W...Bass, S. Jonathan, author. The heartbeat of Wounded Knee : native America ...Treuer, David, author. Hood feminism : notes from the women that a mov...Kendall, Mikki, author. How to make a slave and other essaysWalker, Jerald, author. How we fight for our lives : a memoirJones, Saeed, author. I am not your perfect Mexican daughterSánchez, Erika L., author... Ida B. Wells-Barnett : and the antilynching cru...Freedman, Suzanne, 1932- If they come in the morning : voices of resista...Davis, Angela Y. (Angela Y... I'm still here : black dignity in a world made ...Brown, Austin Channing, au... Just mercy : a story of justice and redemptionStevenson, Bryan, author. KindredButler, Octavia E., author... Me and white supremacy : combat racism, change ...Saad, Layla F, author. More beautiful and more terrible : the embrace ...Perry, Imani, 1972- author... My grandmother's hands : racialized trauma and ...Menakem, Resmaa, author. Never justice, never peace : Mother Jones and t...Savage, Lon, 1928- author. The new Jim Crow : mass incarceration in the ag...Alexander, Michelle. #NotYourPrincess : voices of Native American wo... Parable of the sowerButler, Octavia E., author... Riot and remembrance : the Tulsa race war and i...Hirsch, James S., author. Savage inequalities : children in America's sch...Kozol, Jonathan. Sing, unburied, sing : a novelWard, Jesmyn, author. So you want to talk about raceOluo, Ijeoma, author. Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremac...Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., a... Topographies of whiteness : mapping whiteness i... The warmth of other suns : the epic story of Am...Wilkerson, Isabel, author. White fragility : why it's so hard for white pe...DiAngelo, Robin J., author... White identity politicsJardina, Ashley, author. Women, race & classDavis, Angela Y. (Angela Y... Fresh Fiction After the flood : a novelMontag, Kassandra, author. Celestial bodies : a novelḤārithī, Jūkhah, autho... Children of virtue and vengeanceAdeyemi, Tomi, author. Dead astronautsVanderMeer, Jeff, author. Drive your plow over the bones of the deadTokarczuk, Olga (Olga Nawo... The Dutch house : a novelPatchett, Ann, author. Gates of EdenLeCheminant, Nadene, autho... The glass hotelMandel, Emily St. John, 19... Hawaiian masqueradeChristensen, R. J. (Rachel... I'm not dying with you tonightJones, Kimberly (Kimberly ... The immortalistsBenjamin, Chloe, author. The last wish : introducing the WitcherSapkowski, Andrzej, author... Royal heir : a novelAbramson, Traci Hunter, au... Space operaValente, Catherynne M., 19... The starless seaMorgenstern, Erin, author. Surviving the forestGeffen, Adiva, author. This is happinessWilliams, Niall, 1958- aut... This was our pactAndrews, Ryan, author, art... The trouble with goats and sheep : a novelCannon, Joanna (Psychiatri... When I was yoursPage, Lizzie, author. White spirit : a novel based on a true storyMorcan, Lance, 1948- autho... New Non-Fiction Abused : surviving sexual assault and a toxic g...Haines, Rachel (Gymnast), ... Acid for the children : a memoirFlea (Musician), author. All over the map : a cartographic odysseyMason, Betsy, author. The answer to how is yes : acting on what mattersBlock, Peter, 1939- author... The art of happy moving : how to declutter, pac...Wenzke, Ali, author. As a man thinkethAllen, James, 1864-1912, a... At the edge of time : exploring the mysteries o...Hooper, Dan, 1976- author. Babel : around the world in twenty languagesDorren, Gaston, author. Bats : an illustrated guide to all speciesTaylor, Marianne, 1972- au... The Bear River massacre : a Shoshone historyParry, Darren, author. The big goodbye : Chinatown and the last years ...Wasson, Sam, author. Billion dollar fantasy : the high-stakes game b...Chen, Albert, author. The Blue Zones kitchen : 100 recipes to live to...Buettner, Dan, author. The body outside the Kremlin : a novelMay, James L., 1982- autho... The book you wish your parents had read : (and ...Perry, Philippa, 1957- aut... A Bookshop in Berlin : the rediscovered memoir ...Frenkel, Françoise, 1889-... Boom : mad money, mega dealers, and the rise of...Shnayerson, Michael, autho... The boundless sea : a human history of the oceansAbulafia, David, author. Brigham Young and the expansion of the Mormon f...Alexander, Thomas G., 1935... Broken glass : Mies van der Rohe, Edith Farnswo...Beam, Alex, author. Buzz, sting, bite : why we need insectsSverdrup-Thygeson, Anne, a... Capital and ideologyPiketty, Thomas, 1971- aut... Catch and kill : lies, spies, and a conspiracy ...Farrow, Ronan, 1987- autho... Champions of change : 25 women who made historyWatkins, Naomi, 1979- auth... The City game : triumph, scandal, and a legenda...Goodman, Matthew, author. The city we becameJemisin, N. K., author. The collected schizophrenias : essaysWang, Esmé Weijun, author... The conscious closet : the revolutionary guide ...Cline, Elizabeth L., autho... The contact paradox : challenging our assumptio...Cooper, Keith (Journalist)... Cosmological Koans : a journey to the heart of ...Aguirre, Anthony (Anthony ... Dancing with bees : a journey back to natureStrawbridge Howard, Brigit... Dangerous melodies : classical music in America...Rosenberg, Jonathan, 1958-... Dapper Dan : made in Harlem : a memoirDay, Daniel R., author. Decorating with plants : what to choose, ways t...Chapman, Baylor, author. Dynamic dames : 50 leading ladies who made hist...De Forest, Sloan, author. Eating the sun : small musings on a vast universeSanders, Ella Frances, aut... Einstein's shadow : a black hole, a band of ast...Fletcher, Seth, 1979- auth... Einstein's unfinished revolution : the search f...Smolin, Lee, 1955- author. Einstein's war : how relativity triumphed amid ...Stanley, Matthew, 1975- au... Europe : a natural historyFlannery, Tim F. (Tim Frid... Everything below the waist : why health care ne...Block, Jennifer, author. Fair play : a game-changing solution for when y...Rodsky, Eve, author. The fall of Richard Nixon : a reporter remember...Brokaw, Tom, author. Fentanyl, Inc. : how rogue chemists are creatin...Westhoff, Ben, author. The first cell : and the human costs of pursuin...Raza, Azra, author. First vision : memory and Mormon originsHarper, Steven Craig, 1970... Freedom from family dysfunction : a guide to he...Perlmutter, Kenneth, 1958-... Friendship : the evolution, biology, and extrao...Denworth, Lydia, 1966- aut... Gardentopia : design basics for creating beauti...Johnsen, Jan, author. Gathering moss : a natural and cultural history...Kimmerer, Robin Wall, auth... Book Buzz + National Libraries of Medicine Elderhood : redefining aging, transforming medi...Aronson, Louise, author. On immunity : an inoculationBiss, Eula, author. Women rowing north : navigating life's currents...Pipher, Mary Bray, author. Book Buzz Fiction All the light we cannot see : a novelDoerr, Anthony, 1973- auth... American assassin : a thrillerFlynn, Vince. American pastoralRoth, Philip. America's dreamSantiago, Esmeralda. America's first daughterDray, Stephanie, author. Angle of reposeStegner, Wallace, 1909-199... Beautiful ruins : a novelWalter, Jess, 1965- Bee season : a novelGoldberg, Myla. Blue waterAnsay, A. Manette. Bread givers : a novelYezierska, Anzia, 1880?-19... Chocolat : a novelHarris, Joanne, 1964- The chosen : a novelPotok, Chaim. Christmas bells : a novelChiaverini, Jennifer, auth... Cold Sassy treeBurns, Olive Ann. Cry, the beloved country [videorecording]. Dancing at the Rascal FairDoig, Ivan. Davita's harpPotok, Chaim. The day of the JackalForsyth, Frederick, 1938- ... The death of bees : a novelO'Donnell, Lisa, 1972- aut... EnigmaHarris, Robert, 1957- EpicKostick, Conor. A farewell to armsHemingway, Ernest, 1899-19... FrankensteinShelley, Mary Wollstonecra... FrankensteinShelley, Mary Wollstonecra... FrankensteinTempest, Deborah. FrankensteinShelley, Mary Wollstonecra... Frankenstein, or, The modern PrometheusShelley, Mary Wollstonecra... The golden dream of Carlo ChuchioAlexander, Lloyd. Gone with the windMitchell, Margaret, 1900-1... The good earth : an american classicBuck, Pearl S. (Pearl Syde... Home frontHannah, Kristin. The house on Mango StreetCisneros, Sandra. HousekeepingRobinson, Marilynne. The huntress of Thornbeck Forest : a medieval f...Dickerson, Melanie. The invention of wingsKidd, Sue Monk. IshmaelQuinn, Daniel. Jane EyreBrontë, Charlotte, 1816-1... Jane EyreBrontë, Charlotte, 1816-1... Labor DayMaynard, Joyce, 1953-, aut... The last knightBell, Hilari. Left neglected : a novelGenova, Lisa. A man called Ove : a novelBackman, Fredrik, 1981- au... A monster calls : a novelNess, Patrick, 1971- My Italian bulldozer : a novelMcCall Smith, Alexander, 1... My year of meatsOzeki, Ruth L. The naked and the deadMailer, Norman. The nestSweeney, Cynthia D'Aprix, ... The outsidersHinton, S. E. Over sea, under stoneCooper, Susan, 1935- The replacementYovanoff, Brenna. Book Buzz Non-Fiction Alexander Hamilton, AmericanBrookhiser, Richard. All the president's menBernstein, Carl, 1944- American-made : the enduring legacy of the WPA ...Taylor, Nick, 1945- America's first woman lawyer : the biography of...Friedman, Jane M. Behind the beautiful foreversBoo, Katherine. Bird by bird : some instructions on writing and...Lamott, Anne. Canaries on the rim : living downwind in the WestWard, Chip. Carrying the fire : an astronaut's journeysCollins, Michael, 1930- Changing the face of hungerHall, Tony, 1942- The coldest war : a memoir of KoreaBrady, James, 1928- Community and the politics of placeKemmis, Daniel, 1945- Contested Will : who wrote Shakespeare?Shapiro, James, 1955- Cyber war : the next threat to national securit...Clarke, Richard A. (Richar... Dreams from my father : a story of race and inh...Obama, Barack Elderhood : redefining aging, transforming medi...Aronson, Louise, author. The end of work : the decline of the global lab...Rifkin, Jeremy. Enigma : the battle for the codeSebag-Montefiore, Hugh. Ex libris : confessions of a common readerFadiman, Anne, 1953- FDR's shadow : Louis Howe, the force that shape...Fenster, J. M. (Julie M.) Franklin and Eleanor : an extraordinary marriageRowley, Hazel. Freedom riders : 1961 and the struggle for raci...Arsenault, Raymond. Furiously happy : {a funny book about horrible ...Lawson, Jenny, 1973- autho... The geography of bliss : one grump's search for...Weiner, Eric, 1963- author... Gifted hands : the Ben Carson storyCarson, Ben. Growing up empty : how federal policies are sta...Schwartz-Nobel, Loretta. The happiness project : or, why I spent a year ...Rubin, Gretchen, author. InfidelHirsi Ali, Ayaan, 1969- The journey of the DinéCallister, Ellen Gunnell. Killers of the Flower Moon : the Osage murders ...Grann, David, author. Land of the burnt thighKohl, Edith Eudora, b. 188... The last gift of time : life beyond sixtyHeilbrun, Carolyn G., 1926... Legacy of ashes : the history of the CIAWeiner, Tim. The miracle morning : the not-so-obvious secret...Elrod, Hal, 1979- author. My beloved worldSotomayor, Sonia, 1954- au... Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an...Douglass, Frederick, 1818-... Natural causes : an epidemic of wellness, the c...Ehrenreich, Barbara, autho... No ordinary time : Franklin and Eleanor Rooseve...Goodwin, Doris Kearns. Old books, rare friends : two literary sleuths ...Rostenberg, Leona. On Dupont Circle : Franklin and Eleanor Rooseve...Srodes, James, author. On Gold Mountain : the one-hundred-year odyssey...See, Lisa. On immunity : an inoculationBiss, Eula, author. Option B : facing adversity, building resilienc...Sandberg, Sheryl, author. Our secret constitution : how Lincoln redefined...Fletcher, George P. Packing for Mars : the curious science of life ...Roach, Mary, author. A quiet revolution : the veil's resurgence, fro...Ahmed, Leila. The rainbow comes and goes : a mother and son o...Cooper, Anderson, author. Sandra Day O'Connor : how the first woman on th...Biskupic, Joan. The Shakespeare wars : clashing scholars, publi...Rosenbaum, Ron. Shelf life : romance, mystery, drama, and other...Shea, Suzanne Strempek. Sisters in war : a story of love, family, and s...Asquith, Christina.